A Message From Sensei


日本の伝統文化には、茶道、華道等ありますが、剣道・居合道もそのひとつです。 それぞれ形は違いますが、すべてそれらの中には日本人の「美意識ー侘び寂び」が含まれていると思います。 そして美しい礼法や所作には無駄がなく、それが見る人に感動を与えるものとなります。

志道学院NY士道館は、剣道には「美」が必要であると考え(つまりこれは基本に従った正しい武道に他なりません)、そしてその結果として強く正しく美しい剣道が生まれる、と考えています。 また、居合道は、起源は室町時代にあり、応仁の乱の際にいつでも武器を抜ける様にしていたというのが『居合』の始まりでした。 その後戦国時代に入ると、林崎重信がこの『居合』を『居合道』という武道として確立させました。そして武士のたしなみとして修練される様になったのです。 日本刀の操作法に由来がある居合道は、勝負を抜刀の一瞬にかけるため、修行は『死生一妙』『動静一貫』を目指す心身鍛錬の道です。 しかし、剣の理法の習得が『人間形成の道』という考え方においては剣を払う事を主とする武道としての剣道と同じで『剣居一体』の武道です。


稽古は、剣道の場合、ウエストチェスター(Pleasantville)本部道場、マンハッタン道場の2か所で行い、それぞれウエストチェスター本部道場は火、土、日、マンハッタン道場は日が稽古日です。生徒はいずれの道場に何回でも自由に通うことができ、基本的に館長および師範の私が直接指導を行います。 居合道も個人レベルに合わせて私が指導いたします。




加藤 彰三

志道学院NY士道館 館長・師範




Like tea ceremony and flower arrangement, Kendo and Iaido are part of traditional Japanese culture. Although the shapes are different, all of them include the Japanese aesthetic sense: wabi-sabi. In all these forms, beautiful manners and austere acts are impressive for a viewer to behold.

Shidogakuin NY Shidokan believes that kendo requires "beauty" (that is, nothing but the right martial arts that follow the very basics), and then a strong, right and beautiful kendo will be formed as a result.

The origin of Iaido was in the Muromachi period. During the Onin War, a samurai was always ready to draw his weapon. Afterwards, in the Warring States period, Shigenobu Hayashizaki established this "Iai" as a martial art called "Iaido". Samurai came to practice Iaido as a personal accomplishment. Iaido is a way of mental and physical discipline aiming to understand that “Death and life reside in only a fine line” and “Movement and calmness are coherent”. The concept of Kendo is to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the sword. Therefore, it is said that “Kendo and Iaido are one in the same in principle”.

With the aim of properly spreading the Japanese traditional culture of Kendo and Iaido in the USA, Shidogakuin has been working on the East Coast for 40 years. During that time, it has been officially recognized as a Japanese cultural organization certified by New York State, and now has several branch dojos. The main dojo of Shidogakuin, the New York Shidokan, was named after the Hiroshima Shidokan. The name of Shidokan was given by the wife of Kato-sensei’s former sensei, Yasushi Nakanishi (Kendo Hanshi 9th dan, Iaido Hanshi 8th dan, Jodo Hanshi 8th dan) after he passed away.

Kendo practice is held in two places, the Westchester (Plesantville) and Manhattan Dojos. We practice on Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday at the Westchester main Dojo and Sunday at the Manhattan Dojo. Students can freely go to any dojo any number of times. I, as head instructor, directly teach the students as much as possible. I also directly instruct Iaido class according to each student's still level.

The lessons are taught so that children (5-18 years old), beginners, experienced persons, and experienced persons who have a long hiatus from the art can continue at their own pace without difficulty. We have students in various situations, such as those who have been practicing Kendo since childhood, those who have resumed practice after having been away for more than 20 years, those who have begun Kendo after aging, and those who are corporate expatriates from Japan.

It is no exaggeration to say that both Kendo and Iaido are martial arts that can be practiced for a lifetime. Instructors may instruct children sometimes strictly with the belief that Kendo and Iaido are not just physical exercise, but also an opportunity to mold the mind and body, and to cultivate a vigorous spirit. Through the application of discipline in practice, the final goal is to grow as individuals to better contribute to society.

We look forward to the day we can practice together.

Shozo Kato (Kendo 8dan Kyoshi, Iaido 7dan Kyoshi AJKF)

Head Instrutor

Shidogakuin NY Shidokan

Downtown Location Opening

NY Shidokan is pleased to announce that starting April 4th, we will begin regular practice on Thursdays at a new downtown location:

273 Bowery, New York, NY 10002

Our History

Originally founded in 1984, for over 30 years, our dojo has been practicing the arts of Kendo and Iaido under the instruction of Kato-sensei


In Japanese, the word kendo literally translated means "way of the sword" ("ken" = sword, and "do" = the way). It is the traditional Japanese art of full-contact fencing developed by the Samurai.


Iaido is the martial art of drawing and cutting with a katana - either an unsharpened practice blade or the real thing. In iaido, a practitioner executes set forms, or kata, against an imaginary opponent.